Gsoc question Kerry-based garda about alleged drug dealing

Investigators to prepare file for DPP after officer released without charge

The officer, who is believed to be in his late 30s, was arrested by Gsoc investigators late on Friday night. File photograph: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos

The Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission is to prepare a file for the Director of Public Prosecutions after questioning a Kerry-based garda about alleged drug dealing.

The officer, who is believed to be in his late 30s, was arrested by Gsoc investigators late on Friday night after they searched a room in a Kerry hotel and found evidence to support the allegation that the man was engaged in drug dealing. He was released without charge on Saturday.

It is alleged the officer was selling liquid MDMA or ecstasy at parties and suspicions were aroused after gardaí noticed a large quantity of needles were missing from drink-driving blood testing kits at the officer’s station.

Garda management referred the matter to Gsoc which began a criminal investigation into the officer’s activities.


The officer was brought to Mallow Garda station for questioning following his arrest by Gsoc investigators before being released on Saturday night. Gsoc will now prepare a file on the matter for the DPP.

Under section 98 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005, Gsoc investigators have the same powers as An Garda Síochána, including the same powers of arrest, when they are investigating an allegation of a criminal offence against a serving officer.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times