Investigation into alleged sexual assault on woman (18) in Dublin

Scene on Poolbeg St has been preserved and gardaí at Pearse St are leading investigation

The scene of the alleged assault on Tuesday morning which happened on the street, near a pub on Poolbeg Street. Photograph: Kayle Crosson.

Gardaí are investigating an alleged sexual assault on an 18-year-old woman in Dublin in the early hours of Tuesday.

The incident took place at approximately 1.30am at the corner of Poolbeg Street and Luke Street in Dublin 2.

The scene has been preserved and investigations into the alleged attack are ongoing.

The woman contacted the Garda and alleged she had been sexually assaulted. Gardaí from Pearse Street station are now investigation. It is understood a definite line of inquiry is being followed in relation to the man at the centre of the allegation.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times