Man has emergency surgery after being stabbed nine times in Cork

Gardaí still waiting to speak to victim of Sunday night attack in Knocknaheeny

Gardaí investigating a stabbing in Cork cordoned off the scene of the attack on Sunday night and forensic investigators carried out a technical examination in the search for evidence on Monday.

Gardaí in Cork are investigating an incident in which a man was stabbed nine times in a housing estate on Sunday night.

The man, aged in his early 30s, was with two others when he was set upon by three assailants on Ardmore Avenue in Knocknaheeny on the city's northside at 10.50pm.

He suffered wounds to his legs and head and was taken by ambulance to Cork University Hospital, where he man underwent emergency surgery.

The man was in a stable condition on Monday afternoon and gardaí are hoping to speak to him over the coming days to see if he wishes to make a formal complaint about the attack.


Gardaí cordoned off the scene of the attack on Sunday night and forensic investigators carried out a technical examination of the scene in the search for evidence on Monday.

Officers have also begun door to door inquiries in the area and hope to speak to the two men who were with the victim when he was attacked to see if they can assist in the investigation.

Gardaí are keeping an open mind on the motive for the attack but one line of investigation which they are pursuing is whether the incident may have been linked to a drug debt.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times