Order of Malta volunteer ‘assisted’ in sexual abuse of two teens

Jordan Murphy (22) from Co Kildare, pleads guilty to aiding and abetting in assaults

A flag flies at the eadquarters of the Order of Malta at Clyde Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Photograph: Alan Betson

A former Order of Malta volunteer has pleaded guilty to assisting another volunteer in the first-aid organisation to sexually abuse two teenage boys, in separate incidents in 2018.

Jordan Murphy (22) from Co Kildare, admitted aiding and abetting in the sexual assault of one 15-year old and the oral rape of another 15-year-old.

Scott Browne, a former Order of Malta volunteer from Co Kildare who was 27 at the time of the crimes, was jailed in 2020 for his "lead role" in the sexual abuse.

He was jailed for 11 years with 18 months suspended after pleading guilty to the oral rape of one boy at a location in Co Laois on May 7th, 2018, and the sexual assault of another teenager two weeks later at locations in Dublin and the Wicklow mountains.


In both incidents, the teenagers had been incapacitated after being given a strong pain relief drug stolen from Order of Malta supplies.

On Monday, the Central Criminal Court heard Murphy pleaded guilty to aiding Browne in the abuse of both teenagers and to the production of child pornography, as he had recorded one of the incidents on his mobile phone.

Murphy, who had previously been in foster care, was 18 years old and an apprentice mechanic at the time of the offences, as well as a volunteer with the Order of Malta.

The court heard on May 20th, 2018, Browne collected Murphy in his car, and the pair picked up a 15-year-old from his Dublin home. Browne had befriended the child through the Order of Malta and been messaging him for several months.

Browne told the boy they had a “green whistle” which would give him a high like laughing gas. This referred to a pipe-like device used to administer Penthrox, a drug used by paramedics for emergency pain relief.

The teenager agreed to try the drug and used the device like an inhaler in the back of the car. Browne then attached an oxygen mask onto the device, pushing it onto the child’s face and forcing him to inhale until he passed out.

When the teenager regained consciousness, Murphy was driving the car through a secluded location in Co Wicklow. Browne was in the back of the car, sexually assaulting the teenager.

The victim told his family what had happened after he was driven home, and reported the matter to a Garda station shortly afterwards.

In the second case, Browne and Murphy picked up a 15-year-old boy from a Co Laois home, who previously had been befriended by Murphy.

The boy was pushed to inhale Penthrox through the “green whistle” and began to lose consciousness, at which point he was driven to an industrial estate where he was orally raped by Browne.

The assault was filmed on a camera phone by Murphy.

The teenager did not report the incident and gardaí only learned of the second crime after uncovering the footage while examining Murphy’s phone as part of their investigation into the other assault.

Michael Bowman SC, for the defendant, told the court Murphy “fell under the influence” of Browne, who was considerably older when they met. He said his client had not physically taken part in the sexual abuse.

Murphy told gardaí he was heterosexual but had been “guilted” into a sexual relationship with Browne, that started when he was 15 and lasted for about three years.

Mr Justice Paul McDermott remanded Murphy in custody ahead of sentencing next month.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times