Difficulty over 'proof of age' card admitted

The Minister for Justice admitted there were certain practical difficulties in implementing his proposal requiring proof of age…

The Minister for Justice admitted there were certain practical difficulties in implementing his proposal requiring proof of age for certain groups buying alcohol.

Mr McDowell said it would be unreasonable, for example, to expect young tourists and visitors to the State to apply for the card. "An alternative approach would be to require all young people with a defined age category to carry some proof of age in licensed premises," he added. "The aim would be to improve compliance with and enforcement of the law in relation to under-age consumption of alcohol." The Minister was replying to Mr Tommy Broughan (Labour, Dublin North East) who had asked about Mr McDowell's suggestion that persons between 18 and 25 years should have proof of age when buying alcohol. Mr McDowell said he was awaiting the report of the Commission on Liquor Licensing which he would have within a fortnight.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times