High volume of CAO queries expected from Leaving Cert students

Round One: Irish Times Results Helpdesk will answer questions at irishtimes.com

Guidance counsellors Brian Howard and Deirdre Garrett will be on hand at irishtimes.com/helpdesk to answer reader queries. Photograph: iStock

Tens of thousands of applicants can now see if their college application has been successful following the release of Round One offers through the Central Applications Office (CAO).

This round constitutes the main body of offers issued following the release of the Leaving Cert results, which were made available last Friday.

However for some, the process continues as the release of the first round of offers will raise more questions than answers.

Guidance counsellors Brian Howard and Deirdre Garrett will be on hand at irishtimes.com/helpdesk from 12-8pm today and on Wednesday to answer questions about college offers and any unforseen fallout from the overall results/Round One process.


The disruption caused by Covid-19 is likely to raise a few questions. This year's allocation of CAO points was affected to a degree and grade inflation is likely to generate queries around appeals and further rounds of college offers.

Questions that our counsellors expect to be raised include the following:

– If I defer my place and points go up next year what happens for me?

– Is the result I got definite or can I appeal it? If so how do I do that?

– Can I see what assessment grade the teacher gave me?

– How much of college is going to be online this year?

– When are the dates for appeal results being released?

– How do PLCs work as a back door into HEI?

Some students might consider deferring their place and may have questions about how to go about doing that, and whether colleges will allow all deferral requests.

While many will have accepted their course as soon as they received the offer, others will need more time to think after receiving an offer they may not have expected.

These prospective students should take the time to research the course and are advised to examine course content, college location, accommodation options and anything that may help with a decision to accept, defer or consider sitting Leaving Cert papers next year to achieve higher points next time.

The Irish Times will continue to provide coverage online, in mobile and in print over the coming days and weeks. Coverage will include news, analysis and expert opinion, plus advice and updates from students, teachers and experts. For more visit irishtimes.com/cao

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Iriseoir agus Eagarthóir Gaeilge An Irish Times. Éanna Ó Caollaí is The Irish Times' Irish Language Editor, editor of The Irish Times Student Hub, and Education Supplements editor.