Q: If one goes for a recheck of certain papers and these are marked upwards will that count for a place in college this year. Essentially my question is- will rechecking happen in time to allow for a place on college this year? Thanks
A: Yes. The results of the recheck are generally available in early October and these are followed by the final round of CAO offers which have to be made as a result of the recheck results. If you get a higher grade in October from a recheck then this improved grade is backdated to round one offers day (Monday 18th) and whatever course you would have been offered then with the improved grades must be offered to you in October. On rare occasions if colleges physically take on any more entitled students in October, then they must offer a deferred place the following year.
Q: I got a D3 in French and would like a recheck. How long does it take to get the results of the recheck? How common is it to be downgraded? Can an improved grade help me this year?
A: The results of the recheck are generally available in early October and these are followed by the final round of CAO offers which have to be made as a result of the recheck results. It is possible to be downgraded but it it is not very common probably because anyone who is on the cusp of dropping to a lower grade would not go ahead and appeal the result, hence why it is so important to view your scripts before you decide to get a recheck. If you get a higher grade in October from a recheck then this improved grade is backdated to round one offers day (Monday 18th) and whatever course you would have been offered then with the improved grades must be offered to you in October, so yes an improved grade could help you this year.