Gardaí say man had false passport

A bench warrant was issued yesterday for the arrest of a man who told gardaí he was fleeing India because police there accused…

A bench warrant was issued yesterday for the arrest of a man who told gardaí he was fleeing India because police there accused him of being a terrorist.

At Ennis District Court last Wednesday, Banjit Singh (28) appeared in connection with holding a false passport at Shannon airport on June 28th while seeking to go to Canada.

Judge Joseph Mangan was then told that Mr Singh would be pleading guilty to the charge, and arresting officer Det Garda Larry Donnellan told the court: "Mr Singh wanted to leave India because he was accused by Indian police of being a terrorist. He claims that he is not."

Det Garda Donnellan said Mr Singh had a couple of hundred Canadian dollars and some sterling.


He arrived in Ireland on a ferry from the UK after flying from India. Mr Singh was booking a ticket to Toronto, Canada, and was found to have a false French passport.

Insp Tom Kennedy said it was likely the Department of Justice would be instigating deportation proceedings against him.

Mr Singh's solicitor, Catriona Carmody, said he worked on the family farm in India, and co-operated fully with gardaí.

Insp Kennedy said: "I don't like the suggestion that he may be connected with terrorism. We don't know anything about the man, and would need time to verify that he is who he says he is."

Mr Singh was remanded on bail to reappear before Ennis District Court on his own bond and on condition that he remain at the Abbey Hostel in Ennis and sign on daily at Ennis Garda station.

However, yesterday in court, Ms Carmody said: "I don't see Mr Singh in court, judge."

Insp Kennedy confirmed that Mr Singh was not present, and Judge Mangan issued a warrant for his arrest.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times