Covid-19 in Northern Ireland: 1,207 new cases as restrictions set to be relaxed

Nightclubs to open with dancing permitted while vaccine passports not mandatory

The Stormont Executive has advised venues to introduce their own Covid entry checks but has stopped short of bringing in a mandatory system similar to the one operating in the Republic.

Eight further deaths of patients who had previously tested positive for Covid-19 have been reported in Northern Ireland.

The region's Department of Health also reported another 1,207 cases of the virus, while 2,656,176 vaccines have been administered to date.

The latest relaxation to the coronavirus restrictions in Northern Ireland will come into force from noon on Sunday

Nightclubs will be able to open for the first time in 19 months, customers will be able to move around hospitality venues, indoor dancing will be allowed and the need for social distancing in hospitality settings will move to guidance.


While so-called vaccine passports have not been made mandatory, people have been told that they should expect to be asked for “proof of their Covid status”.

The Stormont Executive has advised venues to introduce their own Covid entry checks but has stopped short of bringing in a mandatory system similar to the one operating in the Republic.

The issue has divided the administration, with the SDLP and Alliance Party calling for legally enforceable Covid passports for nightlife venues.

Some nightclub owners have also expressed concerns about having to police Covid entry checks in the absence of a mandatory passport system.

First minister Paul Givan said the responsibility "lies with each of us to protect ourselves, our families and the whole community".

“We have come a long way in our fight against Covid-19,” he said.

“Together, we have reached a point where almost all restrictions have been lifted, or replaced with advice.

“It is this guidance which is critical in our efforts to protect people’s health, while working to bring about economic recovery and community wellbeing.

“We want to keep moving forward and every individual, business and sector has a part to play in in achieving that.

“We ask everyone to keep following the public health advice.

“The responsibility lies with each of us to protect ourselves, our families and the whole community.”

Meanwhile, deputy first minister Michelle O’Neill said: “This latest set of relaxations must go hand in hand with the necessary mitigations and personal behaviours that will help to manage risks as people socialise together.

“We have contingency plans in place that will allow us to deploy additional measures if the situation requires. However, to help avoid future restrictions it is absolutely vital that we all make the public health advice part of our everyday lives.

“We urge everyone to take up the vaccine, and for everyone to keep taking steps to protect yourself and others, even after you’re vaccinated.”

The ministers also urged people to take steps to reduce the spread of Covid-19, including getting the vaccine, wearing a face covering in crowded or indoor settings, washing hands regularly, to self isolate and get a PCR test if you have symptoms. meet outside where people and work from home where practicable.