Dapper duo become first gay couple to win best dressed at Bellewstown

Creators of popular Facebook page Funky Fashion Frolics outshine all at racecourse

Michael McCarthy and Paul Carroll at Bellewstown Races: pair won best dressed couple award

Michael McCarthy and Paul Carroll went into the record books at the weekend by becoming the first gay couple to pick up the best dressed couple award at Bellewstown Races.

The competition, during ladies' day at the July festival meeting, was judged by jockey AP McCoy's wife, Chanelle, and the rest of RTÉ's Dragons' Den, along with Dawn Finnegan of LA Blog.

Mr McCarthy, from Blessington, Co Wicklow, and Mr Carroll, from Slane, Co Meath, are regular racegoers and have each won individual prizes in the fashion stakes at several meetings.

The couple, who are together three years, share a passion for clothes and started a popular Facebook page Funky Fashion Frolics just seven months ago.


"It's the first time in the history of Bellewstown Races, as far as I know, that the best dressed couple award had been won by a gay couple," said Anne Coleman of Bellewstown Races.

So popular

“The award couldn’t have gone to a nicer couple. The racing circuit is small enough and everyone knows Michael and Paul. The women flocked around them here before the competition, they are so popular.”

“We were gobsmacked to be announced as the best dressed couple at the fab Bellewstown Racecourse,” said Mr Carroll. “We’ve been together for the last three years and there’s nothing we like more to do, than sit down in the evening with a glass of wine and have a chat about fashion.

"Equality in Ireland has truly come a long way since our historic marriage equality referendum, which thankfully returned a resounding yes, meaning that the LGBTI community feel truly accepted.

“As two gay men, we never dreamed that one day our society would be so open as to announce us as the best dressed couple at a historic racecourse ladies’ day event. We are truly humbled by that and it’s a memory and moment that we will never forget.”