The annual Doodle 4 Google competition, which sees children submit their own hand-drawn versions of the Google homepage logo, is now open to a public vote.
The winner of the drawing competition will see their logo appear on the landing page for an entire day in April. There’s also a €5,000 scholarship towards third level education, a Chromebook laptop and a €10,000 technology grant for the winning doodler’s school up for grabs.
This year saw a record 5,000 entries from children across Ireland and the theme was "My Perfect Day".

A judging panel that included Jamie Heaslip, Don Conroy, Cora Cummins and Niamh Sharkey whittled the number down to 75 and members of the public can now vote for their favourite entries here.
The grand finale takes place in Google's Foundry building on April 20th; there, a finalist from each of the five age groups is chosen and the overall winner is then selected by a panel based in Google HQ in Mountainview, California.
Voting closes at midnight on March 20th.