HSE should apologise over handling of 14 births, says complaints review

Review follows Portlaoise hospital baby deaths investigation

‘The incidents found during the review were previously unknown and unreported, and came to light “accidentally”, according to Patient Focus, which participated in the review.’ Photograph: Matt Kavanagh

The Health Service Executive should apologise to 14 families over the handling of births, including eight in which a baby died, according to a newly-published review.

In four of these cases, hitherto unknown, grossly abnormal CTG tracing – monitoring the baby’s heart-beat during labour – was discovered, the Maternity Clinical Complaints Review has found.

However, a historical review of cases between 1985 and 2014 at Portlaoise hospital found no evidence of a trend of failing to respond to abnormal CTGs that might have been a contributory factor in the deaths of babies.

The review, chaired by former National Maternity Hospital master Dr Peter Boylan, looks at 153 maternity-related complaints made in the wake of an RTÉ programme on baby deaths at Portlaoise hospital, broadcast in January 2014. The cases spanned 40 years and most related to Portlaoise.


The incidents found during the review were previously unknown and unreported, and came to light “accidentally”, according to Patient Focus, which participated in the review.

Of the cases where apologies are to be issued, nine were for care that was not consistent with best clinical practice, and three of these involved a perinatal death. One case related to cerebral palsy, three to poor communications and two to lost or delayed healthcare records.

The review team did not identify any trends in clinical practice among current staff at Portlaoise “which would require referral to disciplinary processes”.

Patient Focus expressed concern that the HSE was unable to conduct a “timely” review that met the needs of patients and families and as a result it was very difficult for them to feel included and confident that their concerns matter.

“The process was ad hoc. There was much chopping and changing evidence in method and overall approach. The process stumbled along until eventually a productive approach was adopted. It should not have happened in this way.”

The group says women who made complaints should have been offered access to a written medical review of their case. “This was suggested over and over again but did not happen. The HSE cannot continue to reinvent the wheel when major incident reviews are needed.”

Patient Focus has been dealing with the families of babies who died at Portlaoise hospital since 2012, when it was approached by Mark and Roisin Molloy, whose baby Mark died in the maternity unit that year. Following the RTÉ documentary in January 2014, which highlighted concerns over four baby deaths in the unit, the HSE set up a helpline to hear about concerns from women and their families.

In 2014, a national review process was set up to deal with the scores of concerns received. In a first phase, 28 cases were reviewed by a panel of obstetricians.

Patient Focus says this phase was a major disappointment as written testimonies by women were excluded.

In the second phase, the results of which will be published today, affected women were offered meetings with obstetricians and midwifery experts with the support of patient advocates.

Patient Focus says this change of approach was a success and open disclosure was clearly practised.

A third phase of the review consisted of a historical appraisal of cases but this did not find any significant incidents.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.