LÉ Niamh rescues 125 people in Mediterranean

Migrants taken from overloaded vessel 115km northwest of Tripoli

A child is rescued from an overloaded boat in the Mediterranean by the crew of the LÉ Niamh. Photograph: Irish Naval Service

The LÉ Niamh has rescued 125 people from a highly overloaded inflatable vessel 115km northwest of Tripoli in the Mediteranean. The Irish vessel now has 92 men, 26 women and seven children on board. They are receiving water, food and medical assistance where required.

At 5pm Irish time on Monday she was retasked to take an estimated further 375 people from the Italian vessel the Mimbelli.

This operation is ongoing, and on its completion the crew are expected to be directed to the nearest safe Italian port.

To date the LÉ Niamh had rescued 1,647 migrants before this operation.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times