Olympic boxer Kenny Egan considers running for Fine Gael

Egan hopes to run for the party in this year’s local elections to Dublin City Council

Kenneth Egan, who won a silver medal for Ireland at the 2008 Olympics, is ‘in talks’ with Fine Gael about representing the party in the local elections in May. Photograph: Lee Jae-Won/Reuters

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has welcomed the decision of Olympic silver medallist Kenny Egan to enter into talks to stand as a Fine Gael candidate in next May's local government elections.

Mr Kenny said it was "great news" for the party that potential candidates of the calibre of the Dublin-based boxer were interested in representing the party in this year's local elections .

“I think it is very positive. I think wherever we look around the country if we have one candidate who cannot stand for some reason next May we have six or eight people who want to step forward,” he said.

"I can confirm that the Fine Gael party are having discussions with Kenny Egan, an outstanding athlete and a great ambassador for Ireland in the boxing ring in his Olympic days."


“It is not concluded yet but the party is talking to Ken. But I think it is a very positive development,” said Mr Kenny.

Mr Egan, a Clondalkin native, is interested in running for Dublin City Council in the Blanchardstown area.

The 32-year-old won a silver medal in the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times