Stolen truck driven into gates of former Quinn Group offices

Incident is latest in spate of attacks on former Quinn business premises

An oil tanker bearing the logo “Cassidy Oils” was rammed into the head office of the former Quinn Group (now known as the Aventas Group) in Derrylin, Co Fermanagh. Photograph: Lorraine Teevan

There has been another attack on the former Quinn Group headquarters in Derrylin in Co Fermanagh.

A stolen oil tanker truck was driven into the front gates of the premises at around 11pm last night.

The incident is understood to have caused some damage to the property. No injuries were reported.

This is the latest in a spate of attacks on former Quinn Group property since the company was taken over by receivers in 2011.


Sinn Féin MLA Phil Flanagan today condemned those behind the attack.

“This is a despicable act and is not representative of the local community. Those behind these actions are not acting out of loyalty to the Quinn family and are not furthering any cause.”

“The only result of such activity will be employment opportunities being impacted upon and that is a matter of grave concern for the people of the local community.”