Teenager charged following major drugs seizure in Cork city

Accused charged with possessing cannabis and possessing cannabis for sale or supply

Teenager charged following major drugs seizure in Cork city. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

A teenager has been remanded on bail after he was charged in connection with a near €100,000 cannabis seizure by gardaí in Cork city earlier this week.

Evan Hourigan (19) was brought before a special sitting of Cork District Court today and charged with two offences after the seizure by gardaí on Thursday.

Gardaí recovered €85,000 worth of cannabis herb and €10,500 worth of cannabis resin in the search of the house in Hollyhill on Cork's northside.

Mr Hourigan was charged with possession of cannabis and possession of cannabis for sale or supply at his home at Ardcullen, Hollyhill on January 7th.


Garda Rory Fogarty gave evidence of arrest, charge and caution and told the court that Mr Hourigan made no reply to either charge after caution.

Sgt Gearoid Davis said that gardai had no objection to bail once Mr Hourigan was willing abide by a number of bail conditions being sought by gardaí.

Mr Hourigan's solicitor, Frank Buttimer said that he had discussed the bail terms sought by gardaí with Mr Hourigan and he was happy to abide by them.

Garda Fogarty said that gardaí were seeking that Mr Hourigan would sign on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Gurranebraher Garda Station.

He said that gardaí had already retained Mr Hourigan’s passport and they were seeking an undertaking from him not to apply for new travel documents.

And they were also seeking a commitment from Mr Hourigan that he would not breach Covid-19 regulations including staying within 5kms of his home.

Mr Buttimer confirmed Mr Hourigan's willingness to abide by these terms and Judge Olann Kelleher remanded him on bail to appear again on March 5th.

Mr Buttimer also applied for free legal aid, saying that Mr Hourigan had only recently finished second level education and was currently unemployed.

Judge Kelleher said in those circumstances he was willing to grant him free legal aid and he assigned Mr Buttimer to represent him on free legal aid.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times