Legislation dealing with on the run paramilitaries a 'dirty deal'

SDLP spokesman for justice Alban Maginness has claimed that legislation introduced by the British government allowing "on the…

SDLP spokesman for justice Alban Maginness has claimed that legislation introduced by the British government allowing "on the run" paramilitaries to return was a dirty deal agreed with the IRA to allow both sides to cover up their dirty deeds.

He told his party conference in Belfast on Saturday that when the legislative camouflage was wiped away the scheme effectively offered an amnesty to members of the Provisional IRA without them ever having to make even a minimal appearance in a court of law to explain their actions.

Mr Maginness said that the legislation would also provide an effective amnesty for those in the British army and the old RUC who were guilty of appalling crimes and human rights violations.

"This is the ultimate act of collusion between the British government and the Provisionals. It is a joint conspiracy to suppress the truth."


Mr Maginness said there was no serious provision in the legislation to address the needs and concerns of victims and their families.

"Is it humane or politically acceptable for both the Provisional movement and the British government to ignore the legitimate rights and emotional and psychological needs of victims?"

He asked were victims once again to be hurt and ignored.

He suggested that they would have to undergo the trauma of reliving terrible events triggered by the return of the perpetrators of those events.

Mr Maginness maintained that the legislation would also undermine and weaken the effectiveness of the cold-case review of crimes carried out in the past.

"Let us remember that both the British and the IRA are now happy because as a result of this deal, the past is once again covered up.

"Call this deal for what it is, a dirty deal to cover up dirty deeds."

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the former Washington Correspondent of The Irish Times. He was previously industry correspondent