Meehan appeals decision to hand him over

The Dublin man facing charges relating to the Veronica Guerin murder has appealed his extradition from the Netherlands.

The Dublin man facing charges relating to the Veronica Guerin murder has appealed his extradition from the Netherlands.

Mr Brian Meehan's Dutch lawyer lodged the appeal last week within a day of the 14-day deadline. The appeal means gardai will have to wait up to six months for the extradition order to be tested in the Dutch courts.

Mr Meehan faces 18 charges relating to drugs, firearms and the Guerin murder.

An Amsterdam district court granted his extradition on December 9th following a hearing in November. Mr Meehan's lawyer argued his client could not expect a fair trial in Ireland as the media had convicted him. The Amsterdam court rejected this and ruled the extradition lawful.


The appeal will be heard in the Dutch Supreme Court in The Hague. The court sits each Tuesday.

A spokeswoman for the Amsterdam district court said the appeal papers would be sent to The Hague this week and the case could be heard before the end of January. The fact that Mr Meehan is in prison should mean an early hearing date, she said.

However, a spokeswoman for the Supreme Court office said there was a long list of cases awaiting a date and it could be "several months" before a hearing.

Mr Meehan was arrested, along with his girlfriend and Mr John Traynor, in the centre of Amsterdam in October. The other two were later released.

He is being held in Vught Prison about 100km outside the city. During his extradition hearings Mr Meehan's lawyer complained his client was not allowed visits or phone calls.

A prison spokesman said he could not confirm this, but people wishing to visit or phone prisoners had to be "screened" and this took time.

The Supreme Court is expected to deal with the legality of the extradition order made at district court level, rather than any new evidence.

Mr Meehan will have final leave of appeal to the Dutch Justice Minister if the extradition is approved.

Catherine Cleary

Catherine Cleary

Catherine Cleary, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a founder of Pocket Forests