Minister opposes bonus CAO points for maths

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O’Keeffe has signalled his strong opposition to a new system of bonus CAO points.

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O’Keeffe has signalled his strong opposition to a new system of bonus CAO points.

The Minister cautions that any such move could be “counterproductive and reinforce the perception that maths is a difficult subject”. His forthright view will disappoint industry and employer groups concerned about the so- called “crisis in maths”.

In recent weeks leaders of US multinational companies in the Republic have pointed to the continuing skills gaps affecting high-tech industries in the State.

The Minister says introducing bonus points would inevitably lead to similar demands in other subjects, such as science.


In a written Dáil answer, he said: “The education sector must cater for all students. Placing some subjects at a higher value, notwithstanding the importance of other sectors of the economy, and the abilities and interests and legitimate choices of students, could potentially be counterproductive to the overall interests of the system.”

He pointed out that student take-up of Leaving Cert higher-level maths actually increased after the original bonus points scheme was abolished in 1994.

The Minister says curriculum reform has more impact than points in building student interest.

The new Project Maths initiative – designed to reinforce the practical relevance of maths to everyday life – is being piloted in 24 schools. The new revised curriculum changes will be phased in over the coming years.

The Republic ranks 16th of 30 OECD countries in maths standards among 15-year-olds.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times