Chinese president Xi Jinping releases cartoon rap

Beijing’s latest effort to align with social media says ‘all corruption must be punished’

A screengrab from the cartoon music video for the rap song ‘The Reform Group is Two Years Old’. Photograph: Vernon D/YouTube/CCTV

In Chinese president Xi Jinping’s latest effort to connect with the smartphone generation, the state-run broadcaster CCTV has released a new cartoon rap.

The track, titled The Reform Group is Two Years Old, was released on Saturday to mark the second anniversary of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms, which is headed by Mr Xi, according to a report in the South China Morning Post.

The song’s lyrics note the achievements of the group, which has “done quite a lot”, and recordings of the president’s speeches are dotted throughout.

“The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot - Flies, tigers, big foxes, Catch Catch Catch Catch!” the song says, referring to corruption.


“To rule the party strictly we must harden our bodies, the judicial reform must be victorious.”

A soundbite from the president can then be heard: “All corruption must be punished. Every corrupt official must be prosecuted.”

Further on, the track refers to pollution, saying: “Cure the water, cure the air, cure the land, Cure Cure Cure Cure! Clear water and lush mountains equals a mountain of gold.”

The video is Beijing's latest piece of propaganda that tries to align more closely with social media. Mr Xi recently made his debut post (link in Chinese) on micro-blogging website Weibo, which is similar to Twitter in China.

The post wished a happy New Year to personnel of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and was made from the verified account of the army's newspaper, the PLA Daily.

According to a translation from CCTV, it says: “With the New Year approaching, I, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, wish all the PLA soldiers, armed police forces and reservists a happy New Year. I hope you could fulfil the goals to build a strong army, effectively carry out commissions and make more contributions to the realization of the Chinese dream and the dream of building a strong army.”

Below is the full translation of the rap song, according to the South China Morning Post:

Gotta eye the reform group in 2015

[IT]pushes economic development and a wealthier society

[IT]improves [GOVERNMENT]services

[MUST]streamline the administration and delegate power to lower levels

[MUST]believe in the government

Let hands that should not move stay unmoved, let the market rule

They insist on fighting corruption

They specialise in hitting tigers

Rule the party strictly

Govern the country by law

[The whole country] is overwhelmed with joy

Unfold the three stricts and three honests

Let the people supervise

Put a tight lid on corrupt officials who put out their hands recklessly

The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot

Change the education system, change the medical system, change the household registration system, Change Change Change Change!

Help the people, benefit the people, don’t tire people

Fight poverty with precision

[Xi’s sound bite] Let the people’s wishes become our action

The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot

Change the pricing system, change taxes, change SOEs, Change Change Change Change!

Streamline the administration and delegate power to lower levels, unleash energy

Reform the supply side [ECONOMY]and upgrade the economy

[Xi’s sound bite] An arrow will never return once it’s shot by a bow

The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot

Flies, tigers, big foxes, Catch Catch Catch Catch!

To rule the party strictly we must harden our bodies, the judicial reform must be victorious

[Xi’s sound bite] All corruption must be punished. Every corrupt official must be prosecuted

The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot

Cure the water, cure the air, cure the land, Cure Cure Cure Cure!

Clear water and lush mountains equals a mountain of gold

This is what is we must do on “One Belt, One Road”

[Xi’s sound bite] The principle of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.

Push progress in Asia and Europe

It’s name is “One Belt, One Road”

Free-trade [ZONE]opened, mutual help on law and finance

Founding of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, accelerating the building of infrastructure

The yuan admitted to SDR

They hate smog to the bone

To preserve ecology, [THEY ARE]determined to open the bow

Shut down the ones that are supposed to be shut down

Suspend those who are supposed to be suspended

With clear water and lush mountains, a new march can start

The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot

Change the pricing system, change taxes, change SOEs, Change Change Change Change!

Help the people, benefit the people, don’t tire people

Fight poverty with precision

[XI]Let the people’s wish become our action

The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot

Change the pricing system, change taxes, change SOEs, Change Change Change Change!

Streamline the administration and delegate power to lower levels and unleash energy

Reform the supply side [ECONOMY]and upgrade the economy

[XI]only the daring will prevail at key stages of reform

The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot

Flies, tigers, big foxes, Catch Catch Catch Catch!

To rule the party strictly we must harden our bodies, the judicial reform must be victorious

[XI]Hold the sword to fight corruption high

The reform group is two years old, it has done quite a lot

Cure the water, cure the air, cure the land, Cure Cure Cure Cure!

Clear water and lush mountains equals a mountain of gold

This is what is we must do on “One Belt, One Road”

[XI]It’s not closed, but open and tolerant

Dean Ruxton

Dean Ruxton

Dean Ruxton is an Audience Editor at The Irish Times. He also writes the Lost Leads archive series