Ged Happy with new hairdo
As the picture at the top shows, this column is not overly blessed in the hair department, so we always feel fraternal empathy with others who are similarly challenged. Step forward Ged Nash (or, as some of his opponents have taken to calling him, Ged!). The Minister of State, who is seeking to retain his seat in Louth, has that rare thing for a sitting Labour TD in this election: a running mate, Senator Mary Moran, from the Dundalk end of the constituency. Lest the voters forget that fact, someone's been doctoring Ged's roadside poster on the Ballymakenny Road in Drogheda to make sure Mary gets a mention. She seems to have loaned him some of her blonde locks as well.
Looking after number one

What a topsy-turvy world it is for Michael Lowry. Yesterday the High Court found his arguments that he should not be sent for trial on mainly tax-related charges "devoid of any substance" and "ultimately built on a foundation of sand". Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Paddy Power announced he was the virtually unbackable favourite to become Ireland's most popular TD with the most first preference votes in this election. Michael was having none of it, however. "Do Not Be Misled By Claims That 'Lowry is Safe'" were the words of a leaflet being distributed across Tipperary yesterday.
Head over Heels
Maybe it's a piece of clever lateral thinking. Maybe it's a sign that we all need to get this damned thing over with as soon as possible, but Dublin South Central Social Democrat candidate Liam Coyne has hit on the idea of putting upside down headshots on his posters. To be fair, it does make them stand out. But isn't now the moment when we should seriously discuss the first item on the next Programme for Government being the banning of the poster plague?
Don’t mess with Mattie
"Mattie McGrath is not or has never had any connections with Fine Gael. Mr McGrath is running as an Independent candidate at the forthcoming General Election and should have been described as having a non-party candidature as submitted on his nomination papers." That's the apology on the front page of today's Nationalist newspaper in relation to an error in the official Notice of Poll it published last week. The Tipperary TD is not satisfied however and says that as the notice is a legal document he has asked the Garda whether any laws have been broken.
Wrap up and vote
Weather has had a definite effect on turnout and possibly on results in the past. “So,” I hear you say. “Nice crisp weather we’re having at the moment. Perfect for canvassing. And for voting. What will it be like on Friday?”. Something similar, but maybe with a bit of rain or even sleet, we’re told. Nothing that offers too much of an excuse for not voting, though.
Quote of the day
'I was tired, I was hungry and I was extremely frustrated' – Labour candidate Ann Phelan on why she walked out in the middle of an election debate on radio station KCLR