Creighton accuses Doherty of ‘irresponsible politics’

Sinn Féin TD says he will not sign off on the final report of the banking inquiry

Renua leader Lucinda Creighton has criticised Sinn Féin TD Pearse Doherty for not signing off on the final report of the banking inquiry.

Renua leader Lucinda Creighton has criticised Sinn Féin TD Pearse Doherty for not signing off on the final report of the banking inquiry.

Mr Doherty has confirmed he does not agree with the contents and will not be a signature on the report.

Ms Creighton said this was irresponsible politics by the Sinn Féin deputy.

She said: “We don’t believe Sinn Féin is ready or has any desire to be in a position of responsibility in the country.


“We have seen that at large yesterday with the performance with Pearse Doherty and Sinn Féin in relation to the banking inquiry.

“I have seen that before, Pearse Doherty did that exact same thing to previous reports on European Affairs in the past. It is designed to get attention in the media and it is irresponsible politics as far as I am concerned.”

In response to Ms Creighton’s criticism, Mr Doherty said: “ Renua’s Lucinda Creighton promotes herd mentality, attacks contrarian views. Have they learnt no lessons from the past?”

Mr Doherty caused anger amongst his committee colleagues when he informed them of his decision yesterday afternoon.

Fine Gael TD John Paul Phelan criticised Mr Doherty's decision not to sign off on the report.

“I think its very regrettable that Pearse walked away before any consideration of findings had even begun.

“It has been a gruelling few days, however, I believe we have a duty to try and get a report published.”

Fine Gael TD Eoghan Murphy said he was disappointed and thanked Mr Doherty’s personal assistant for his efforts in rescuing the report.

One member said this was a purely political decision by the Sinn Féin TD who was “concerned at being upstaged by Joe (Higgins)”.

Another said the Sinn Féin TD had shafted the rest of the committee by making the announcement before work was complete.

“He made the decision after we agreed the chapters without any votes. His explanation was that he went home and thought about it. He had an epiphany.”