Minister for Justice Helen McEntee tests positive for Covid-19

Meath East TD says she is isolating but continuing to carry out her duties

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has tested positive for Covid-19. File photograph: Julien Behal Photography.

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has tested positive for Covid-19.

Ms McEntee said on Wednesday morning that she was recently tested and received a positive result and is now isolating in line with HSE guidance.

The Meath East TD announced last month that she is expecting her first child with her husband and is due to give birth in May.

“I am continuing to carry out my duties by working remotely including attending Cabinet. The information the HSE has shows that pregnant women or their babies are not at a higher risk if we get Covid19,” she said in a Twitter post.


“At the same time I urge everyone to follow public health advice and stay at home. If you think you’re developing symptoms no matter how small, act as though you have Covid. We all know the seriousness of the situation. We must protect our health system and our most vulnerable.”

Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue tested positive for Covid-19 in the days before Christmas, which saw Cabinet members forced to restrict their movements while they awaited tests and results.

Party leaders, Ministers and senior health officials met for more than six hours on Tuesday and agreed to recommend a number of additional measures in an attempt to get a handle on the rising number of positive Covid-19 cases. Ms McEntee is understood to have participated in the meeting remotely, meaning that on this occasions her colleagues will not have to isolate or be tested.

A source said Mc McEntee has been working from home since Christmas and has not attended any meetings in person since.

The Cabinet is expected to sign off on plans on Wednesday to close schools and halt the majority of construction activity until the end of the month.

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Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns is a reporter for The Irish Times