Move to universal free childcare, welfare boosts among FF TDs budget proposals

McGrath fields views of backbench TDs on budget during parliamentary party meeting

Minister for Public Expenditure Michael McGrath is understood to have given little away about his plans for Budget 2022 at the meeting. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

A move towards universal free childcare, an extra €10 on the State pension and boosts in other welfare payments were among a raft of proposals put forward by Fianna Fáil TDs ahead of Budget 2022.

Minister for Public Expenditure Michael McGrath fielded the views of backbench TDs during Wednesday night’s parliamentary party meeting.

It is understood he gave little away about his plans but there were contributions from several TDs on what should be in next week’s political set piece.

There was said to be a “strong focus” on childcare as well as welfare measures like the State pension and fuel allowance. There were calls for income-threshold increases for eligibility for medical cards and student grants.


Dublin South-West TD John Lahart called for a "Donogh O'Malley moment" for childcare – a reference to the Fianna Fáil minister who brought in free secondary school education in the 1960s.

He is understood to have suggested the first steps towards universal free childcare should be taken in next week’s budget as well as calling for improved pay for creche workers.

Sources said Dublin Bay South TD Jim O’Callaghan also argued for more investment in childcare. He suggested that the public would prefer to see a substantial measure in that area in contrast to a once-off pandemic bonus payment.

Galway West TD Eamon Ó Cuív spoke of the need for childcare measures as well as enhanced medical card and student grant schemes in the budget.

Limerick City TD Willie O'Dea offered an analysis on a proposed €10 increase in the State pension and there was said to be broad support for the proposal.

Carlow-Kilkenny TD John McGuinness also spoke in favour of a pension increase while also arguing for an increased fuel allowance.

Dún Laoghaire TD Cormac Devlin is understood to have called for the extension of child benefit for people aged over 18 who are still in full-time education as well as enhanced eligibility criteria for medical cards for people with serious illnesses.

Earlier in the meeting there was a presentation by Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien on the Government's Housing for All plan.

Cormac McQuinn

Cormac McQuinn

Cormac McQuinn is a Political Correspondent at The Irish Times