Older people need increased home care support, Seanad told

Process to find best home care scheme for Ireland is ongoing, says Finian McGrath

Minister of State for Health Finian McGrath: said he will launch a public consultation to allow older people, their families and healthcare workers to have a say in the process. Photograph: Gareth Chaney Collins

The Department of Health is involved in a "detailed process" to determine what type of home care scheme is best for Ireland, Minister of State Finian McGrath has told the Seanad.

“This process will consider the future design of both the funding and regulation systems for these crucial services,” he said.

“An important step in this process is public consultation, which I will be launching shortly.”

Mr McGrath said the consultation would allow those who had views on the topic to have their say, including older people themselves, their families and healthcare workers.


He was replying to Fine Gael Senator Maura Hopkins who said there was a need for increased supports for home care packages and home help supports in Roscommon.

“We need to target areas with the greatest need and ensure adequate home care services are being provided for individuals,” she added.

Ms Hopkins said the focus needed to be on the individual receiving the care.

“It is a question of delivering good-quality care for the client, of the client’s welfare and of supporting families and family carers to look after their loved ones at home,” she added.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times