Sinn Féin TD faces challenge for Cork East election nomination

Constituency review led to the expulsion of one councillor and suspension of another

Sinn Féin TD Sandra McLellan with party deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald. Photograph: Dara Mac Donaill

A sitting Sinn Féin TD at the centre of a constituency dispute is to face competition to get on the party’s general election ticket.

A review into the party’s structures in Cork East, which led to the expulsion of a councillor and the suspension of another, has recommended an open selection convention.

This means Sandra McLellan will face challengers to be selected as the party’s candidate in the constituency.

The party has agreed to change its rule that a woman TD could be challenged only by another female candidate in this instance.


A Sinn Féin source said: "There was a claim made that the expulsion of Kieran McCarthy and the suspension of Melissa Mullane was to clear the way for Sandra McLellan to go unchallenged.

“That is simply not the case. The review recommends an open convention in Cork East, meaning Sandra can now be challenged by any member – male or female – in the constituency.”


The decision puts Ms McLellan at a disadvantage ahead of the selection convention, the date of which is unknown. The rule will apply in Cork East only and not in Dublin Central – the constituency of the party’s other female TD and deputy leader, Mary Lou McDonald.

The party source denied this was an attempt to “shaft” Ms McLellan, who is believed not to have huge party support within the constituency.

“It was the view of the panel that this should be an open convention and the party agreed to it,” the source said. “This was an independent and impartial review. It followed meetings with 60 members of the party. ”

The review has led to the expulsion of Mr McCarthy from Sinn Féin and the suspension of Ms Mullane for 12 months.

Mr McCarthy earlier this week said there had been allegations of loans being misappropriated but he insisted these had not been proved. He accused senior party figures of operating a Spanish Inquisition-style system.

Ms Mullane was alleged to have “undermined and marginalised” a party member believed to be Ms McLellan.

The party source said it wanted to make it clear there was no allegation of the misappropriation of funds in Ms Mullane’s case.