Quinn calls for tolerance after reception row

The Labour Party leader this afteroon responded to controversy surrounding last night’s State reception hosted by the Taoiseach…

The Labour Party leader this afteroon responded to controversy surrounding last night’s State reception hosted by the Taoiseach and partner Ms Celia Larkin by calling for increased tolerance within society.

We may one day have a gay or lesbian taoiseach. I would hate to think that would mean that the State would not be able to celebrate in a dignified fashion moments of great import in any church
Mr Ruairi Quinn

Mr Ruairi Quinn said the row, sparked by comments made at the reception by Cardinal Desmond Connell on the sanctity of marriage and also the refusal to attend by the Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral, the Very Rev Robert McCarthy "on principle", showed that Ireland is changing rapidly as a country.

"We may one day have a gay or lesbian taoiseach," he said. "I would hate to think that would mean that the State would not be able to celebrate in a dignified fashion moments of great import in any church."

He added that the row showed the increasing gap in the old relationship between Church and State, "which ultimately proved not to be in the best interest of either".


"If we are to construct a healthy relationship . . . appropriate for a new century, it can only be based on mutual respect, especially respect of difference."

Mr Quinn continued he was "loath" to enter a debate on something he believed was none of his business, but felt compelled to comment.

He said that Ireland was becoming more racially, culturally and religiously diverse, and added society must adapt to these changes by displaying more, rather than less, understanding.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times