Woman on 106th birthday credits long life to staying calm

Bridget Tierney says she never smoked or drank alcohol, and has never been on a plane

Bridget Tierney celebrates her 106th birthday at her home in Loughduff, Co Cavan, alongside her oldest daughter Mary Sheridan, her granddaughter, Victoria Zanella, and her great grandchildren, Lara and Matteo Zanella. Photograph: Lorraine Teevan

A 106-year-old woman has said her secret to long life is to stay calm.

Bridget Tierney, who celebrated her 106th birthday surrounded by her nine children Mary, Margaret, Pauline, John, Vinnie, Betty, Tom, Kitty and Patricia who are now also pensioners said her secret to long life is "staying calm, never getting too ruffled about anything and eating well."

Ms Tierney has 30 grandchildren, 43 great grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. They all visited over the weekend, with those not yet vaccinated waving through the window.

Her grand-daughter Victoria Zanella and her two great-grandchildren Matteo and Lara travelled from Italy to mark the occasion.


“I wouldn’t miss Grannie’s birthday for the world,’’ said Ms Zanella. “I had to quarantine for two weeks before I got to see her but it was worth it. She is a fountain of knowledge, love and the rock of our family. A visit with Granny always leaves you with a sense of peace and serenity”.

Ms Tierney said she has never smoked or drank alcohol, and has never been on an aeroplane. She said she only ever ate good, home-cooked fresh food and has never eaten anything out a tin.

Ms Tierney added that she enjoys doing crosswords, listening to the radio and is quizzes on the TV. Good manners and respect for others are high on her list of priorities, adding “good manners are just as important today as they were 100 years ago”.