A number of Dublin Bus routes could face cancellation because of the arrival of the Luas, The Irish Times has learned. Daniel McConnell reports.
Ms Gráinne Macken of Dublin Bus said: "While no immediate action will take place, as we will wait to assess the impact of the Luas, we will certainly examine how the two modes of transport can be complementary of each other."
When asked what this means for routes that run close or beside the Luas, Ms Macken said: "It would be pointless having trams and buses running on the same routes side-by-side. We will actively investigate how any duplication can be avoided."
Routes that could face the axe or alteration include the 5, 46B and 11 which run between the city centre and Sandyford Industrial estate. The number 44 which runs parallel to the Luas as far as Dundrum could also be a casualty. Some of the buses running between the city centre and Tallaght could be diverted towards the large urban areas of Lucan and Citywest.
Dublin Bus said no hasty decisions will be made as they will study the impact of the Luas during the school and college year which begins again in September. Dublin Bus carry over 150 million passengers annually and it is estimated that the Luas will carry over 20 million in its first 12 months.