Stunned ArtZine

One Irish artist making the most of the possibilities of the Web is Conor McGarrigle. His Stunned ArtZine at www.stunned

One Irish artist making the most of the possibilities of the Web is Conor McGarrigle. His Stunned ArtZine at combines a showcase for artists in traditional media with some striking Web-based work and a host of links and gallery listings.

"Rather than create a personal site," he states, "I decided to create a community site which would show the work of many artists, a permanent online exhibition space which would be run by the artists." Although Irish in origin, the site has an international flavour - featuring work from several international artists - and Mc Garrigle adds that another aim was to create a forum "where Irish artists could interact with their colleagues from around the globe".

Conor McGarrigle's own Web-art project Play-lets, one of the highlights of the site, is among 13 art sites selected for the Siggraph 99 ( computer graphics conference in Los Angeles next month. He is also to speak at the conference.

The Stunned site has been redesigned and its development plan has been grant-aided by the Arts Council, a first for a Webonly arts organisation, says McGarrigle. For the next year, he says the site will focus on Web-art, "particularly collaborative projects between Irish and overseas artists".