SuperValue increases sales by 5% in 2005

Supermarket group SuperValu increased its sales by per cent to €1

Supermarket group SuperValu increased its sales by per cent to €1.82 billion in 2005 and achieved the largest marketshare growth of any retailer during the year.

According to TNS data, the group gained a 0.8 share point growth, increasing its annual share to 19.7 per cent.

The group covers 171 independent retailers trading under the SuperValu brand throughout the Republic of Ireland.

"Our sales figures and marketshare growth reflect a very healthy performance and show real growth against a backdrop of falling food prices and growing competition in the sector," said Donal Horgan, managing director.


The group invested more than €70 million in its stores in 2005, with €40 million spent on refurbishing 22 stores and the remaining €30 million put into five new stores, which created an additional 350 jobs.

The company also revealed that it plans to ocntinue investing in new stores, with €40 million earmarked for development, while a further €105 million will be invested in the refurbishment or extension of 54 supermarkets.