Tenants to be advised on dog ban

Dublin City Council are to issue notices to their tenants in the next week advising them of the council's policy on banned dog…

Dublin City Council are to issue notices to their tenants in the next week advising them of the council's policy on banned dog breeds.

The council has outlawed 11 breeds of dangerous dogs since July 1st in all council properties and said it will continue its programme to rid its flats, houses and estates of these animals.

A spokesperson for the council said it was hoped that tenants who own a dangerous dog would re-home the animal before the council requested them to do so.

Any tenant who keeps a banned dog would be in breach of their tenancy agreement said the council spokesperson. He said they would be asked to remove the dog and if the tenant refused, the dog warden would be asked to intervene and remove the dog.


While it would be possible for a tenant to receive a notice to quit if they did not comply with the ban, the spokesperson said that this situation would be very unlikely.

Since the ban was implemented the council have not received any complaints about banned dogs.

In the first six months of the year, 73 banned dogs have been surrendered, while 169 stray banned dogs were picked up by the council.

The council also plans to amend its bylaws to include public parks in the ban. This would mean that anyone owning a dangerous dog could not walk it in a public park, even if they lived in private housing.

The banned breeds are: English Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, German Shepherd (Alsatian), Doberman, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Japanese Akita, Bull Mastiff, Japanese Tosa and Bandog. Cross-breeds of these dogs or crosses of these dogs with any other breed are also banned.