‘Barbaric’ Sudan death sentence on woman condemned by Britain

Meriam Ibrahim sentenced to death for refusing to renounce her Christian faith

British prime minister David Cameron said the treatment of Meriam Ibrahim was ‘barbaric and has no place in today’s world’. Photograph: Reuters

British prime minister David Cameron has urged the Sudanese government to lift the "barbaric" death sentence handed to a woman for marrying a Christian.

He joined Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and former prime minsiter Tony Blair in condemning the treatment of Meriam Ibrahim - who gave birth to a baby daughter this week while shackled in her cell.

Mr Cameron said he was “absolutely appalled” when he heard about the plight of the 27-year-old.

“The way she is being treated is barbaric and has no place in today’s world,” he said.


“Religious freedom is an absolute, fundamental human right.

"I urge the government of Sudan to overturn the sentence and immediately provide appropriate support and medical care for her and her children.

“The UK will continue to press the government of Sudan to act.”

Ms Ibrahim was raised a Christian by her mother and has refused to renounce the faith.

However, a court ruled earlier this month that she is Muslim because that was her father’s faith.

Her Christian marriage was annulled and she was sentenced to 100 lashes for adultery and death by hanging for renouncing Islam.

Sex outside a “lawful relationship” is regarded as adultery under Sudanese law.

Mr Blair described the case as a “brutal and sickening distortion of faith”.

The case has prompted questions over whether Britain should continue giving aid to countries which do not respect human rights.

Conservative North Somerset MP Liam Fox, the former defence secretary and shadow foreign secretary, said the Government needed to think again about aid.

“Religious tolerance is something that the UK should be promoting at every opportunity,” he said.

“We need to ask ourselves whether it is acceptable too be giving taxpayers’ money in aid to states which allow treatment such as that handed out to Meriam Ibrahim.”

Mrs Ibrahim's husband Daniel Wani said his son has become sullen and withdrawn since being incarcerated with his mother.

He added his wife was under pressure to convert her religion so she can leave prison but said she was “committed” to her right to religious freedom.