Kim Jong-un urges preparation for dialogue and confrontation with US

North Korean leader makes first direct comment on US president Joe Biden’s administration

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un receives applause at Thursday’s plenary meeting of his ruling Workers’ Party’s central committee. Photograph: STR/KCNA via KNS/AFP

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un urged preparation for both dialogue and confrontation with the United States, state news agency KCNA said on Friday, in his first direct comment on US president Joe Biden's administration.

Mr Kim laid out "appropriate strategic and tactical counteraction" to deal with Washington in a detailed analysis of its North Korea policy at Thursday's plenary meeting of his ruling Workers' Party's central committee, KCNA said.

“The general secretary stressed the need to get prepared for both dialogue and confrontation, especially to get fully prepared for confrontation, in order to protect the dignity of our state and its interests for independent development.”

Such moves would “reliably guarantee the peaceful environment and the security of our state”, it added. Mr Kim also emphasised the need to create a “favourable external climate” for the North’s own initiatives.


The report gave no details of any course of action, however.

Mr Kim's remarks came two days before the newly appointed US envoy for North Korea, Sung Kim, is set to arrive in South Korea on his first visit since taking up the role last month.

He will hold talks with South Korean and Japanese counterparts and meet other Seoul officials during his stay until June 23rd, the state department said on Thursday.

Mr Kim's comments continue a "wait and see" policy, while refraining from provoking the Biden administration, said Vipin Narang, a nuclear affairs expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States.

"It seems to suggest that Pyongyang thinks the ball is in the US court at the moment, and it is waiting to see how the Biden administration outreach goes," he said.

“Given reports of North Korea’s food and Covid-19 situation, one presumes that Kim is also happy to avoid a near-term confrontation.”

Hostile approach

Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, said Mr Kim appeared to be sending a message to Washington that he would be willing to return to talks at some point.

“Despite mentioning confrontation, he refrained from criticising both the South and the United States, while highlighting the need to maintain a stable geopolitical situation,” Prof Yang said.

In their first summit in May, Mr Biden and South Korean president Moon Jae-in injected fresh urgency into efforts to bring the North back to denuclearisation negotiations.

North Korea lashed out at the United States and its allies in South Korea last month in statements that Washington’s comments on its North Korean policy were proof of a hostile approach that required a corresponding response from Pyongyang.

North Korea’s plenary meeting kicked off on Tuesday to review progress on major policies and devise steps to resolve pending issues.

On its first day, Mr Kim called for measures to tackle the “tense” food situation, blaming the coronavirus pandemic and last year’s typhoons.

Diplomats and analysts say the North is experiencing widespread food shortages after typhoons destroyed crops last year, while there are concerns Covid-19 may have taken hold, despite lack of official acknowledgement by Mr Kim’s regime.

Border closures have further hit an economy already battered by international sanctions.

The North's neighbour and ally, China, encourages both sides to come up with an "operable" roadmap toward denuclearisation, said Zhao Lijian, a spokesman of its foreign ministry.

"The relevant parties should grasp the opportunity, and work for the gradual de-escalation of the situation," he told a regular media briefing in Beijing. – Reuters