Nepal earthquake: Thousands still missing as aid effort continues

EU delegation says up to a thousand Europeans still unaccounted for after disaster

72 year old earthquake survivor Krishna Prassad Sapkota gives an account of how he lost his home and belongings due to the devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Nepal on April 25th. Video: Concern

Thousands of people are still missing in Nepal as food and help began to trickle through to those stranded in remote areas after last week's earthquake which killed 6,250.

Up to a thousand Europeans are still unaccounted for, mostly around popular trekking routes, the head of the European Union (EU) delegation in Nepal said.

“We don’t know where they are, or [where] they could be,” ambassador Rensje Teerink told reporters.

Officials said it was hard to trace the missing because many backpackers do not register with their embassies.


“It does not mean that they are buried. They could have left the country without telling anyone before the earthquake struck,” Ms Teerink told reporters.

Nepal’s home ministry said it had not been informed that the number of EU citizens missing after Saturday’s earthquake could be as high as a thousand.

“If that is the case then why are the embassies not informing us? Why have they not contacted the Nepal government?” home ministry spokesman Laxmi Prasad Dhakal told reporters.

The number of people unaccounted for from France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands is 371, while all Irish citizens, Croatians and Romanians have been traced. Other European nations have yet to provide an updated figure on how many of their citizens are still unaccounted for.

Bodies are still being pulled from the debris of ruined buildings, while rescue workers have not been able to reach some remote areas.

The Nepal government put the number of injured at more than 14,350.

Unclaimed bodies

In the capital Kathmandu, many unclaimed bodies were being quickly cremated, because of the need to avert disease and reduce the stench of corpses in areas where buildings had collapsed.

Many of the dead could be migrant workers from neighbouring India, local officials said.

“Morgues are full beyond capacity and we have been given instructions to incinerate bodies immediately after they are pulled out,” said Raman Lal, an Indian paramilitary force official working in coordination with Nepali forces.

Aid was slowly reaching remote towns and villages nestled in the Himalayan mountains and foothills. However, government officials said efforts to step up the pace of delivery were frustrated by a shortage of supply trucks and drivers, many of whom had returned to their villages to help their families.

“Our granaries are full and we have ample food stock, but we are not able to transport supplies at a faster pace,” said Shrimani Raj Khanal, a manager at the Nepal Food Corp.

Army helicopters have air-dropped instant noodles and biscuits to remote communities, but people need rice and other ingredients to cook a proper meal, he said.

Many Nepalis have been sleeping in the open since the 7.8 magnitude quake, with survivors afraid to return to their homes because of powerful aftershocks.

According to the United Nations, 600,000 houses have been destroyed or damaged.

The UN also said that 8 million of Nepal’s 28 million people had been affected by the disaster, with at least 2 million needing tents, water, food and medicines over the next three months.

Nepal’s finance minister Ram Sharan Mahat said Nepal would need at least $2 billion to rebuild homes, hospitals, government offices and historic buildings and appealed for international backing.

“This is just an initial estimate and it will take time to assess the extent of damage and calculate the cost of rebuilding,” Mr Mahat told reporters.

Prime minister Sushil Koirala told reporters earlier this week the death toll from the quake could reach 10,000.

That would surpass the 8,500 who died in a 1934 earthquake, the last disaster on this scale to hit the nation.

A home ministry spokesman said that, although the 1934 quake was more powerful, fewer people lived in the Kathmandu valley then.

“The scale of reconstruction will be unprecedented,” he said.

Government criticised

While international aid has poured in, some Nepalis have accused the government of being too slow to distribute it.

“There have been cases where villages have pelted stones on trucks carrying aid and food supplies. They must have been really hungry and angry to do so,” said Purna Shanker, who works at the government’s commodity trading office.

In Sundarkhula, a village close to the quake’s epicentre west of Kathmandu, villagers said they were searching their destroyed homes for food.

Bharat Regmi (28), said he jumped out of the first floor of his house as the quake lifted it from its foundations. When he went back a few days later, he found a bag of potatoes in the rubble.

“We are living on water and whatever we can dig out from the house,” he said, standing under steady rain near the highway to Kathmandu. Later, he crept back under a thin orange sheet, shared with about a dozen other villagers.

Tensions have also flared between foreigners and Nepalis desperate to be evacuated.

In the Himalayas, climbing is set to reopen on Mount Everest next week after damage caused by avalanches is repaired, although many have abandoned their ascents.
