Islamic State posts video showing hostage John Cantlie

Hostage used the latest in what he says would be a series of “programmes” to condemn the military build-up in the region

A still image taken from a purported Islamic State video shows British captive John Cantlie making a statement.

A new propaganda video featuring the British hostage John Cantlie has been posted online by Islamic State (IS) within hours of the launch of US-led air strikes against the group in Syria.

Appearing once again behind a desk and reading calmly from a script, Mr Cantlie used the latest in what he says would be a series of “programmes” to condemn the military build-up in the region.

In a previous video posted by the group, the freelance photographer – who has been a prisoner of IS for 22 months – made clear he was making the recordings under duress.

In the latest video, Mr Cantlie warned the US and its allies were embarking upon what he described as Gulf War III, adding: “Not since Vietnam have we witnessed such a potential mess in the making.”


His references to UK military aid to Kurdish forces and French and Danish support for military action suggest the video was made in recent days. Other aspects of the film suggested it may have been made at the same time as the last video in which he featured.

There was no immediate reaction from British government officials or ministers.

French hostage

Separately, France’s prime minister has insisted his country would not stop fighting IS militants despite demands by kidnappers holding a French hostage. The 55-year-old man was abducted in


on Monday by a splinter group from al-Qaeda’s North African branch.Jund al-Khilafah said it would kill the man, identified as mountain guide

Herve Gourdel

, unless


halted its air strikes in


within 24 hours.

– (Guardian service/PA)