US indicts analyst who contributed to ‘Steele dossier’ on Donald Trump

Russian Igor Danchenko accused of five counts of making false statements to the FBI

Igor Danchenko, photographed in October 2020, contributed to the ‘Steele dossier’ alleging potential ties between Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign and Russia. Photograph: Jonah M Kessel/New York Times

A US federal grand jury has indicted the Russian analyst who contributed to the "Steele dossier" alleging potential ties between Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign and Russia, a special prosecutor investigating the matter said on Thursday.

Analyst Igor Danchenko is accused of five counts of making false statements to the FBI relating to sources for the material he gave a British firm that prepared the dossier, said John Durham, the special prosecutor appointed by the US justice department during Trump's administration.

Mr Danchenko was due to appear in court on Thursday.

The indictment alleges that between June and November 2017, Mr Danchenko made false statements regarding the sources of certain information he provided to a British investigative firm, which Mr Durham did not identify.


Sources identified the firm to Reuters as having been linked to former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.

The dossier, which was circulated to the FBI and media outlets before the November 2016 election, set out still-unproven assertions that Russia had embarrassing information about Mr Trump and some of his campaign advisers and that Moscow was working behind the scenes to defeat his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

The indictment alleges Mr Danchenko made false statements about information he said he had received from an anonymous caller who claimed the Kremlin might have been helping to get Mr Trump, the Republican candidate, elected. It says Mr Danchenko knew the information to be untrue.

A lawyer for Mr Danchenko did not immediately respond to s request for comment.

Two sources familiar with Mr Durham’s activities said he had issued subpoenas seeking evidence from multiple sources, including people linked to Fusion GPS, the Washington, DC investigations firm.

Mr Steele is a former British intelligence officer who prepared the dossier for Fusion GPS, which was working for a law firm that represented the Democratic Party and Ms Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

Mr Steele declined to comment in an emailed message.

One of the sources familiar with Mr Durham’s activities said Fusion GPS was not a target of Durham’s investigation. Mr Steele had previously declined to co-operate with investigators working for Mr Durham. – Reuters