Young tiger on loose near Disneyland

EuroDisney says no tigers in theme park

Police in Paris are hunting a large feline, probably a tiger, that has been seen roaming near the Disneyland theme park. Video: Reuters

The young tiger that was spotted on the loose near Disneyland Paris, has reportedly been caught.

The town of Montevrain sent a news alert on its Facebook page yesterday morning saying the young tiger was spotted behind some tennis courts and a football pitch. The pitch is about 5½ miles from the popular tourist theme park.

The owner of the lntermarche supermarket in Montevrain said his wife had spotted the animal first.

“She didn’t get out of the car and called me to say ‘I think I saw a lynx’,” he was quoted as saying. The woman took a photograph that appeared to show a large cat, but experts confirmed that the tracks were those of a young tiger.


Town authorities said in a statement that police and rescue squads had gathered at the scene to secure the perimeter after telling locals to avoid the area.

EuroDisney, the operator of Disneyland Paris, said it had no tigers in the theme park, so the errant cat could not have come from them.