Worst of storm is over

FURTHER heavy rain tomorrow may cause renewed flooding in areas affected by the stormy conditions of the past week

FURTHER heavy rain tomorrow may cause renewed flooding in areas affected by the stormy conditions of the past week. However, the Meteorological Service says the worst is probably over.

As mopping up operations continued in the worst affected areas, particularly in the south east, the rest of the week is expected to be showery with temperatures remaining above normal and moderate winds, except perhaps tomorrow.

Aer Lingus put on an extra flight from Dublin to New York yesterday for passengers whose Monday flight was cancelled due to heavy snowstorms in the US.

In Wexford town the milder weather brought an end to flooding. Until yesterday morning a combination of high tides 4.4 metres above average over the weekend gale force winds and stormy weather left low lying streets under water.


The main Waterford to Tramore road, blocked since last Friday, remained flooded yesterday.

Although there was some minor flooding on the quays, Waterford city escaped practically unscathed from the heavy rain. In the county, however, the repair bill for damaged roads was put at £350,000.

Heavy seas over the past week off the Donegal coast have prevented the LE Eithne and fishing boats from leaving Lough Swilly to resume the search for the Donegal trawler Carrickatine, missing for two months.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.