Boy loses eye in Jerusalem

Sir, – Referring to the shooting of a nine-year-old Palestinian boy by "a non-lethal munition" fired by an Israeli policeman, Karl Martin refers to Jerusalem's Issawiya neighbourhood where the shooting took place as "an area where rioting is very frequent" (March 4th).

A different perspective is offered by the Israeli online +972 magazine in which Judith Sudilowsky tells us that “video footage of the incident showed only normal street traffic in the area”.

Claiming that “the image of Issawiya as a hot-bed of violence is more of a creation of Israeli imagination than anything else”, she quotes the Israeli researcher Aviv Tatarsky: “If you look for attacks or groups who are active in Issawiya you will find none. It is very telling that the police have not been able to show any single event or series of events that prompted its attacks.” – Yours, etc,




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