Boycott, divestment and sanctions

Sir, – I am perplexed by Raymond Deane's assertion (February 13th) that the campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is "growing" among "global civil society", when he admits himself the importance of the investment of the European Union and the United States in their relations with Israel, including what he calls "the EU's lucrative arms trade" with Israel.

How could Israel’s global standing be at all negatively impacted by the BDS campaign, which Mr Deane should admit to himself is clearly not working ever since he advanced its principles in this newspaper over a decade ago.

Far from being hampered by boycotts, including the failed Arab League boycott of the past, Israel is currently pursuing new ventures with rising powers such as India, with which it is negotiating a lucrative bilateral trade agreement, and China, technological cooperation being the basis of their relationship. The growth in trade between Ireland and Israel alone over the last few decades is evidence that the BDS campaign has no momentum in Mr Deane’s own country. – Yours, etc,





Dublin 4.