Building public consensus for change

Sir, – I was exhilarated by the ideas expressed by Fergus O'Ferrall ("Building a public consensus for a new vision of Republic is vital", Opinion & Analysis, May 1st). I completely agree that it makes sense to engage the citizens of Ireland in local versions of the Citizens' Assembly. They should be as local as possible and include all strands of our society. This will allow all citizens to give their views on how a "Civic Republic of Ireland" could best be structured and governed to enable all of us to lead a flourishing life.

But these Citizens’ Assemblies must not be just talking shops. Their voices must be heard not just by politicians but by all those who exercise social and economic power: State bodies, religious institutions, media, businesses, and others. The result should be, as Fergus O’Ferrall puts so well, a “comprehensive vision for a flourishing society”.

If such a vision is developed with huge and widespread public participation and support, then this would give a clear set of instructions to those who hold power in all its forms, that this is what the people of Ireland want.

The question I now have is, who will start the ball rolling? Who will insist that local Citizens’ Assemblies are set all over this country? Fergus O’Ferrall has made a very valuable suggestion to moving our country towards a place that we, and our descendants, can all be proud to live in. An Ireland that operates for the common good. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – Fergus O’Ferrall writes eloquently about the need for a new political philosophy for our republic. The local public forums he proposes also need to take place in the well-appointed reception rooms of Matheson, A&L Goodbody, EY, KPMG, PwC, Deloitte, and other IFSC firms. Their perfectly legal facilitation of greed and tax avoidance continues to create massive inequalities at both national and international levels. Without addressing this, any vision of a new republic is a mirage. – Yours, etc,



A chara, – Dr Fergus O’Ferrall’s thoughtful and positive suggestions should help to make Ireland a more rewarding and fulfilling country for all our citizens. I hope his views will receive widespread and strong support. We should, of course, maintain proven, worthwhile and traditional cultural values, and not change things just for the sake of change. – Is mise,


An Charraig Dhubh,

Co Átha Cliath.