Sir, - Joe Armstrong, in his "Man Alive" column (November 25th) asks if celibacy is a perversion? I would say, as a struggling celibate for nearly 24 years, that celibacy, in itself, is not a perversion.
The celibate life, freely chosen, can produce wonderful people - the Mother Teresas of this world for example. But when it is made compulsory, when it becomes part of the package of priesthood and religious life as it has in the Western Church for over 800 years (but not in the Eastern Church - they were far more sensible) then it can cause, or become a cover for, the perversions of some who are stuck with it, as we have seen in recent times.
In fairness, most of us joined the priesthood and religious life for very good motives - to help and unite people and bring them closer to God. Celibacy was part of the deal and, if we are to be honest, some of us accepted this part of the bargain rather than chose it. So therein lies the problem. - Yours, etc.,
Aghaboe, Portlaoise, Co Laois.