Contracting Covid-19 in hospital

Sir, – We’ve spent the past 10 months wrapping my mother-in-law in protective care, keeping her from harm as much as we could, facilitating her right to independent living, delivering food drops, wearing masks when close, and recently encouraging walking outdoors for general health.

But last week she developed a non-Covid-19 illness that required an ambulance call-out. The EMT lads were great, very caring and professional.

She spent a week in hospital, her recovery positive, as was her Covid-19 test today, contracted in hospital.

How many people has this happened to? Are these numbers recorded and broadcast each evening? Are we really surprised that people with illness do not want to attend a hospital? We shouldn’t be.


Her doctor is responsive to phone calls and is very kind, but we risk all, by being too confident that the place of care will be the place of recovery. – Yours, etc,


Sutton, Dublin 13.