Dance moves

Sir, – We are told that up to a dozen people have contacted the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission to complain about the Garda’s Jerusalema dance video. They complain that gardaí­ were wasting valuable resources and time.

What is wrong with people? What is happening to our sense of humour?

This piece of fun started when gardaí were challenged by Swiss police to take part in the online challenge. They more than rose to the occasion. Members of the force picked various locations around Ireland, showcasing our beautiful country, and getting the kind of coverage and exposure around the world that cannot to buy.

As a result, Switzerland flew the Irish national flag for a day in recognition of how the Garda Síochána met the challenge.


It was just brilliant, and a credit to individual gardaí who are dealing with a very difficult time.

Perhaps our complainers have not practised “stepping back” and looking at life with a broader perspective. – Yours, etc,



Co Offaly.