Donald Trump to visit Ireland

Sir, – I wonder do the presidential hopefuls realise that if they win the race to the Áras they will have to entertain Mr Trump, his ego and Twitter habit when he graces us with his presence next November? A Dragon meets the Apprentice master! – Yours, etc,



Co Westmeath.


Sir, – I’ve grown roundly sick of the attention-seeking antics of John Halligan, a Minister of State, and his reported plans to protest during Donald Trump’s upcoming visit. For crying out loud, Mr Halligan and Leo Varadkar are both members of the Government. The logic of the Waterford man’s stated intention is that the Taoiseach himself could feel free to join a demonstration or march in the course of the US president’s sojourn!

You are either inside or outside the tent, Minister! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.

Sir, – The last time I joined a street demonstration was in 1972 at the British embassy in Dublin. I’m too old to start demonstrating again, so please, Mr Trump, stay at home. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.

Sir, – In “Varadkar says Trump welcome despite controversy” (News, September 3rd), you quote the Taoiseach as saying: “I think we have to treat his [Trump’s] office with the respect it deserves.”

To treat President Trump with respect is to disrespect ourselves. There’s the rub. – Yours, etc,


An Cheathrú Rua,

Co na Gaillimhe.

Sir, – Having to welcome President Donald Trump to these shores is, for me, akin to going to the dentist for a tooth extraction; inconvenient, bothersome and very painful but yet having to be done for the greater good, just as extending and implementing all appropriate political and diplomatic protocols must be done for this presidential visit.

There are so many good reasons to protest Mr Trump’s visit, not least that on a national basis he continues to insult us by not bothering to appoint an ambassador to Dublin. Nevertheless, the best contribution that the Irish public can make is to starve his ego, principally by completely and absolutely ignoring his presence amongst us. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – As Donald Trump constantly demands attention and admiration, would not the best way to treat him while in Ireland be to totally ignore him, thus showing him what the vast number of people here think of him? – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.

Sir, – It is interesting to note the proposed protests over the planned Trump visit to Ireland. The government of Ireland approved a stamp commemorating the communist mass murderer Che Guevara but no one has a problem with that. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – So, will Donald Trump’s visit help make Ireland great again? Eh, no! The Trump visit is not a sign of respect for a country to which he wasn’t bothered to appoint an ambassador for nearly two years and counting. He simply wishes to promote his failing golf course at the expense of US and Irish taxpayers. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.