Sir, - Your correspondent, Mr John J

Sir, - Your correspondent, Mr John J. Hassett, seems very keen to involve himself in a general election occurring in another state. Before doing so, and before endorsing agreed nationalist candidates, he might look at the facts.

Leaving aside what the unionist community are to take from any agreement by the SDLP to stand aside in favour of candidates supporting the IRA, Mr Hassett overlooks the 1992 General Election result in Fermanagh/South. Tyrone. On a 79 per cent turnout, one of the highest in the United. Kingdom, Ken Maginnis surpassed the combined SDLP/Sinn Fein total by 1,519 votes. And that was before the recent independently conducted boundary, changes. Perhaps Mr Hassett would revise his view in the light. of this knowledge. - Yours, etc.,

William Street, Newtownards, Co Down.