Garda Síochána and falsified breath tests

Photograph: John Giles/PA

Sir, – The acting Garda Commissioner has decided not to pursue or discipline any members of the Garda or their senior officers following the falsified breath-test reporting. To be fair this is probably the only practical approach.

However, what should now be done is that the actual numbers of breath tests reported by each Garda over the previous five to 10 years should be published for all to see.

The list should include the name, rank and location for each Garda member involved along with the name of his or divisional senior officer.

We’ve paid for the test and the falsified results.


Let’s see them so we can each make up our own minds about the integrity of our local Garda members and their officers. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.

Sir, – It is amazing to learn that the acting Garda Commissioner has concluded that it is not possible to take disciplinary action against anyone in the Garda over the falsification of breathalyser tests. Presumably, falsification is an illegal act. Or is it? Maybe it’s not for some people. For him to say it would be better to spend the money that this might cost on otherwise “protecting the community” seems to ignore that this would actually be protecting the community – protecting them against bad policing.

It doesn’t say much for any change of thinking in the Garda Síochána arising from its new code of conduct introduced at the beginning of this year. Which of the other principles in the code can be so tritely ignored without fear of penalty or discipline? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.