National service is not the answer

Sir, – A Jones (October 8th) suggests that Ireland should introduce national service to overcome the shortage of sailors and soldiers in the Defence Forces.

In reality this would involve a form of conscription which has never occurred in the history of the State so far, and would be a big mistake.

Our Defence Forces have always had a very good reputation in Ireland and overseas and this is due in no small way to the fact that all its members have been volunteers.

The solution towards retaining and recruiting sufficient members of the Defence Forces is to reward their excellent service properly and ensure that their conditions of service are adequate. Quick-fix solutions such as national service or conscription would only lead to further deterioration in the state of our Defence Forces and the morale of its members. – Yours, etc,



Castletroy, Limerick.

Sir, – The Defence Forces have served this State with loyalty since its foundation. Isn’t it time that the State showed loyalty to the Defence Forces by paying and resourcing them adequately to do their duty? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.