Pandemic bonus for everyone

Sir, – Everyone in this country has been, to some degree, affected by the pandemic.

The suggestion that a financial bonus be given to certain groups is a sad reflection on where we have come to as a society. All over this country ordinary people endeavoured to help and support vulnerable family and neighbours in their communities through the dark days of the pandemic.

For so many, the suffering still goes on. A way to acknowledge and thank everyone could be by having a day set aside for commemoration and reflection throughout the country.

– Yours, etc,




Dublin 5.

Sir, – The idea of the frontline health workers getting some financial recognition for their work during the pandemic is very appealing.

My own reaction was that this is a great idea. But now we are watching the unedifying sight of all the unions from across all the public sector lining up for the same payments.

At a time when we should be funnelling all extra cash into the housing crisis, it is madness to end up spending possibly billions paying everyone in the public service a bonus for the Covid pandemic.

If the Government cannot stand up to this then I suggest we call an election and try and find a government with some backbone to deal with the incredible problems we face, especially the massive debt we have built up over the last 18 months.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.

Sir, – What a wonderfully accurate letter from Dr Úna Deli (September 29th). She hits the nail on the head about what frontline staff need and want from their employers [more resources, and “a break from the spin that everything is okay”].

I’m afraid a fancy pin or stretching exercises will not help me forget that I have not had the time, nor the support, to deliver the care that vulnerable, ill patients deserve.

– Is mise,




Co Meath.